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Soft Skills: what are they and how do I get them?

We read a lot about soft skills and how important they are for workplace success.   Successful teams not only need technical knowledge and practical experience, but team members also need to have mastery over a range of soft skills to work together and innovate.  

We know hiring managers look for candidates who show expertise in a variety of soft skills, in addition to looking at their work experience and tangible achievements. But what, exactly, are soft skills and how can you learn them?    

We’ve listed below some of the top soft skills that employers are looking for, along with examples of how you can gain experience in those skills.   

Communication skills: active listening, presentation skills, clear articulation and writing proficiency

Why is this important? Effective communication, both verbal and written, is essential for collaboration, clarity, and efficiency in the workplace. 

How can I gain experience in communication skills?   When you are engaged in conversation, practice active listening by focusing on truly understanding what the other person is saying. Paraphrase their points to ensure clarity. Or, when participating in group discussions, whether in meetings, study groups, or social settings, practice listening attentively before responding. 

You could join a speaking club to hone your presentation skills.  Organisations like Toastmasters provide opportunities to practice public speaking and receive feedback. 

Improve your written communication by writing emails, reports, or even blog posts, focusing on clarity and conciseness.  Look for opportunities to practice your writing, and welcome feedback from colleagues and friends. 

If you are feeling particularly adventurous, you could engage in role-playing with friends or colleagues!  Practice scenarios that require different forms of communication, such as negotiating a deal, leading a discussion or giving an informative presentation. 

Teamwork and collaboration: working cooperatively, sharing responsibility, and supporting colleagues

Why is this important?  The ability to work well with others is crucial in almost every job, particularly in team-oriented environments. 

How can I gain experience in teamwork and collaboration? In your current role, be sure to participate in team projects; volunteer for group work when you have a chance, whether at work, in school, or in your community. 

For managers and leaders – learn to delegate.  You should practice sharing responsibilities and trusting others to complete tasks. 

If you lead a team, foster a collaborative environment.  Encourage open communication to actively contribute to team success. 

Adaptability and flexibility: learning new skills, adjusting to new roles or responsibilities, and maintaining a positive attitude during change

Why is this important?  In a rapidly changing work environment, the ability to adapt to new challenges and changes is highly valued. 

How can I gain experience in adaptability and flexibility?   Try to embrace change, even though it may be difficult. To help you do that, you could volunteer for projects that require you to step out of your comfort zone or learn new skills. 

A top soft skill is being resilient, so practice resilience where you can.  Learn to stay positive and productive in the face of challenges or setbacks. 

Be a life-long learner – stay open to new ideas, technologies, and ways of working by attending workshops or taking courses. 

Problem-solving: analytical thinking, creative problem-solving, and resourcefulness

Why is this important?  Employers seek individuals who can identify problems, think critically, and come up with effective solutions. 

How can I gain experience in problem-solving?   Try to take on new challenges; volunteer for projects that require creative thinking or troubleshooting. 

Spend some time analyzing case studies.  If you study real-life examples of problem-solving in business or other contexts, you can learn from them. 

Be conscious about practicing decision-making.   Engage in activities like strategy games or simulations that require quick, effective decisions.

Time management: planning, organising, and balancing multiple tasks or projects

Why is this important?  Efficiently managing time and prioritising tasks is essential for productivity and meeting deadlines. 

How can I gain experience in time management skills?  Take advantage of the many tools available to you.  Utilise planners, calendars, or apps to manage your tasks and deadlines effectively. 

It’s important to set priorities and stick to them. Practice prioritising tasks based on importance and deadlines. 

Take time to reflect and adjust as necessary.  Regularly assess how you spend your time and don’t be afraid to make adjustments to improve efficiency. 

Emotional intelligence (EQ): empathy, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills

Why is this important?  Understanding and managing one’s own emotions, as well as empathising with others, is key to creating a harmonious workplace. 

How can I gain experience in emotional intelligence? Be sure to reflect on your emotions.  It will take some effort, but spend time analysing your emotional responses to situations and learn to manage them effectively.  This will be invaluable the next time a similar situation arises. 

Actively seek feedback from those around you, even if you find it uncomfortable.  Ask colleagues or friends for feedback on how you handle stress, conflict, or teamwork. Encourage them to give you honest answers. 

Lastly, you could study it – read books and articles on emotional intelligence to understand its principles and how to apply them. 

This list is not exhaustive; there are numerous soft skills that complement technical expertise.  By actively seeking to practice your soft skills, you can gain real experience and continuously improve on them, which are crucial for personal and professional success.  Evidence of soft skills mastery is often what differentiates a good candidate from a great one.